2dae did not go skool coz sick sian then miss sci test then at hm slp till ly 12+ then wake up wahh slp so well hihi.....then 2+ waited 4 ming cal coz we dicided to catch a movie kungfu dunk

OMG is really best show between ah long ptd lmd to kungfu dunk best no regretzz so around 3+ meet ming first then around ly goin to 5 meet leo at far east there so we just walk walk lol n2dae oso wore my new shoes so nice hehehe......so we bought 540(time) of the movie ticket nt so lots of ppl yst more coz Vdae wat lol the seat oso quite gd i tink sld be cine better lor if can compair n the time oso gd we went in just nice start le just in time aft our movie around 0745 liddat went to eat KFC fastfood again but taka there de chicken quite nice so lucky to get the last piece of thigh yea my fav n 1 drum ming they all got 2 drum aft awhile went walk walk around 9+ jiu go hm ve a wonderful 2dae....love u always gurl n y since yst nvr cal mi must hor or sms oso can lai bye nth more