yst noon went to bugis to walk walk then at ard 3+ ly tt meet up sue ying they but sad to sae lina n zain was nt wif us they both went holidae remember come buy must give us present aft we meet sheeka went to bought fried mars very nice too chocalatey yummy! must try but must drink darm lots of water aft tt went to dance at esplanade there de floating platform to rehersal then the mentor gave us pizza 4 dinner ok lai but cold le then 730 ++ we started 4 some pratice till ly 10+ then went marina sue ying went toi the toilet to changing to her nice nice clothes ya thewn aft tt went to find kristee & sheeka coz they went be4 us then aft awhile jui went hm le ya tts all
skool holidae left 1 more wk