Yst woke up ard 10 ly tt had mac for breakfast wif family counted as having family day bag aft tt went to bugis for short while to pray is totally full of ppl over there lah some goddess de birthday bah but i do not how to pronous it lor then aft tt mother's fren come along ard 2++ we jiu walk of le went to jurong there to swim super relax and fun we the kids but psps kick two of the kids one mouth there n then 1 is the eyes there heheee...so wish i can go wif u guys to Zouk but i can't psps nxt time round bah i shall post all the pictures on Fri which i meet latha davita julyn kok ming n chun cheng went to The Cathay to meet them then we camwhore alot alot is tt kind of super alot de hahahaha then aft tt went over to PP actually julyn wanted to buy tis one SE but not very nice we told her not to buy lor then walk walk saw one julyn's fren jean tok alot bout ite life tokt tok then she say got party then went over but ended up we stay at one salon n slack there's one person name called xiao gui jean's fren ask im weather can help mi dye my hair abit mah to cover the brown strips he sae ok then aft he done he soon bian help mi do treatment for my hair anw tks...had alot of fun over laughs laughs laughs...jiu went hm le...
julyn if u still can't stop tinking him if you tinks tt you still love him jiu sms or call him lah...dun tink so much:)